Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Save LT Pantano!

Dear Friends:

Below is a statement from Mrs. Merry Pantano, the mother of Marine Second Lieutenant Ilario Pantano who is currently being accused of "murdering" 2 Iraqis whcih they turned and charged him. 2LT Pantano is a prior-enlisted Marine who served during Desert Storm then rejoined the Corps shortly after 9/11. He left a high-paying job as a executive for a TV and movie production company to become an active-duty Marine again. While in the Triangle of Death in Iraq last year, he made a split second decision to protect him and his Marines. Now he's facing a court-martial over it. Please read his mother's statement:

As America rallies behind the rhetoric, the talk of "bringing terrorists to justice" must be translated into action. Fighting men and women with wills of steel are in dark corners of the world getting their hands dirty where "the rubber meets the road" so policy can become a reality. These men and women are placed in harms way and are required to make split-second, life or death decisions - decisions that could cost them their own lives. stands behind the man who puts his life on the line again and again, who makes life or death decisions in the blazing heat, exhaustion, fear and confusion of war while conducting combat operations intended to capture or kill the enemy and as a result of his actions in combat becomes the subject of an investigation or even formal charges.'s initial fundraising effort is for my son's legal defense costs, but it is a sad reality that the longer we are at war the more of these types of cases there will be. In the future, we would like to expand the parameters to help cover the legal expenses of other Marines and soldiers facing similar dire circumstances as a result of combat related actions. There are a number of such cases that are currently under investigation that may result in charges in the near future. The organization will screen requests in order to ensure the principle and the intent of the organization and its various donors is adhered to.

If you don't like what you've read or you don't agree with it, that's okay too. Millions of American men and women like my son put their life on the line so you can say, think or feel what ever you want. Use that freedom wisely. It's their gift to you and it has cost many of them their lives.

God Bless America and Semper Fidelis!

So after reading this, what do you think?

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