Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A "Chocolate" New Orleans? An Open Letter to Mayor Nagin

Dear Mayor Nagin:

I was offended at your comment about building a "Chocolate" New Orleans. As an American of mixed ethnic and racial heritage, I found it racist. I will no longer visit your city or send any money to any businesses or charities down there until you apologize for your extremely insenstive remarks. For your information, I have been to New Orleans three times in recent years, including spending my honeymoon there in 2004. One of the things I loved about New Orleans was it diversity of history and cultures. A "chocolate" New Orleans won't be that. To use your analogy, you need to mixed it with vanilla, strawberry, coffee, and all the other flavors. Unless you do, New Orleans will just be one large ghetto that other people won't want to visit or do business there. You desparately need to learn you need the rest of America and people of all colors to make a great city!

John Dittmer

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